The carpet is what makes the house a home
My carpets are heavily inspired by Persian tapestries. I doubt that I’ve ever felt a real one, one that is made by Iranian hands. I bet I have only stepped feet on Ikea knock-offs. But they convey a similar feeling. The carpet adds a domestic, excessive and wealthy feeling while still remaining habitable, and a bit shabby sometimes. The carpet is a piece of home. But maybe arriving is not that simple for a newcomer. Especially in a country where taking in people isn’t as normal as once was. So I make carpets, doormats, for everyone who does and does not feel welcome. For everyone who only gets a bed, bath and bread. For everyone who lives in a house without their own key. For everyone who has to sleep without their stuffed animal. I give you my reception, and I hope you feel taken in. Embed yourself in the ground you stand on.