‘Sensibelchen’ is about dealing with sensitivity. In the world we live in, sensitivity towards different influences of our surroundings can cause an overstimulation of our senses. Feeling as a sensitive woman, Sophie-Marie Ordo felt inspired to talk about the empowerment and strength of sensitivity and addresses stereotypical prejudices surrounding the sensitive sex within our society. Not all sensitive is fragile. Sensitivity is a great strength and serves as the carrier between the inner and outer.
Throughout the process of her collection, Sophie created different stages of dealing with sensitivity in form of characters. These characters developed towards a buildup in intensity which she ultimately took with her in a Line-Up of colors, shapes and tactility. Using materials, that confuse the perception of soft and hard, stimulates the sense of look and touch. With a great focus on handwork, ‘Sensibelchen’ is a plea for more sensitivity towards the make and care of garments.