Glimpse of the Past / Trace KON:18
Ceramics have existed for thousands of years. The act of standing on the same soil and being able to make contact with ancient ceramics can be seen as a collision of the past and present.
The focus of my project is about creating ceramic products that are inspired by fragments of old ceramic objects from the 10th to 13th century. These objects were dug up in Arnhem by the archeology department and were about to be cast away. I use 3D ceramic printing in order to create new modern interior pieces that share a bond with these historic fragments, resulting in 5 different collections which are called ‘Silhouette’ for the tableware set, ‘Arcdegree’ for the vases, ‘Falling’ for the gravity pieces, ‘Aurum(金) & Argentum(银)’ for the gold and silver pieces and finally ‘Fragmented past’ for the image transfer piece. Each collection is based on a different way of implementing various aspects of 3D ceramics printing such as gravity and rotation within the designs.
3D ceramic printing can be seen as a modern craftsmanship and allows for more complex shapes which are not possible with traditional techniques like plaster molds. It allows for completely different possibilities and aesthetics from the past period. Resulting in unique pieces with decorative functions that establish a visual dialogue between ‘then and now’.