
I want to linger on the edge of the definition. When does something become defined and when it is still in the possibility of being nothing and everything? Clouds have a form and yet they don’t, they are drifting in multiple temporalities. I have a lot of footage of clouds, I am fascinated by their transparency and texture, and the inability to touch sense them. Don’t you find it strange that out of all things to exist, clouds are the ones appearing? As humans we build, but we also destroy we, create, but also destruct.

Stop motion is a short fictional movie about Cloud God who lives in clouds and eats them. What does it mean to “munch on clouds”, if it is not possible to eat undefined entities? Does it say something about one’s inability to satisfy desires? Humour allows me to look at mundane things with absurdity, but also helps me to address human set relationships to the environment. What does it mean to be embodied? To go against gravity, weight, pressure? To eat clouds? Why are eating and watching two separate acts? Victor Schklovsky claims that art exists to recover perception of life, to make familiar objects unfamiliar. I am interested in the feeling or sensation when mundane things suddenly become odd – somewhat absurd.