Sietske Schoute

Sietske Schoute

Sietske Schoute (1968) has always loved to draw and observe. After a university education and being a stay-at-home mom, she began her journey at ArtEZ in 2019 to become an artist educator. She believes that art is deeply connected to everyday life, focusing on creating and paying attention to the world around us. Inspired by Ubuntu and Taoism, Sietske explores how to live in connection with life, the earth, and others, aiming to let go of the need for control and rampant individuality. She is fascinated by the "inbetweeness" that exists in wholes and hopes her work will connect people to their creativity and surroundings. One of her goals is to teach others to draw, or learn to see, and to work with those who cannot participate in the current school system.