Nouka Rous

Nouka Rous

March 2015: photography exhibition for Stadsbiografie Brussel in Brussels (BE) 2019 — 2020: Preparatory course at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (NL) 2020 — 2024: Fashion Design Bachelors at ArtEZ University of the Arts (NL) October 2021 — July 2022: ‘Rouw: van keizerin tot corona’ fashion exhibition at Huis Doorn (NL) February — June 2023: Design intern at Nadav Perlman in Antwerp (BE)

But by Reflection

CONCEPT My collection is an exploration into a sense of (queer) self within society’s expectations of femininity. I am interested in the friction such constraints can cause, and the gradual transformation into one’s true self, which can be difficult yet…