Irene Donatini

Irene Donatini

I view my art practice as an intensified form of journaling, maintaining a close connection to everyday life. Daily landscapes and figures appear as characters in a fantasy world featuring a heart-broken Minotaur, a vast labyrinth, and a crazy inventor building dubious machines. This sense of voyeurism drives me to play with the audience’s perception, enlarging or shrinking familiar landscapes and offering glimpses into inaccessible “other sides.” My work emerges from unexpected encounters and takes various forms, including sculpture, installation, video, and poetry. I often adapt my pieces to fit the exhibition space by reinventing and rearranging both older and newer works.

Another Kind of High

In my graduation work, scale and size play a prominent role. My work appears in four different rooms, as well as outside between the two buildings of OK26 and OK74. In one room you will find three paper pedestals. A…