
2174: Future Ruins of an Automated Past

2174: Future ruins of an Automated Past’ is a project focused on how automation and consumerist culture/ manipulation will impact the future supermarket.

Z Markt is a supermarket in the year 2174, or whatever is left of it. Automation started taking over until human staff was no longer needed and the machines targeted every thought, need or insecurity that people had. Eventually people started revolting and destroying all supermarkets and eventually abandoning them, which resulted in nature taking over these spaces. Z markt is a post dystopian, pre utopic supermarket.

X Markt is the old supermarket, although similar to supermarkets as we know them, they are older versions, cashiers were still present and automation was at the very beginning.

Therefore we are living in the era of the Y Markt. Between X and Z Markt, heading towards a dystopian future.


  • Graphic Designer from Romania, based in The Netherlands.