
Ik ben omdat jullie zijn – I am because you are

At a table surrounded by two chairs in a tranquil space created by a wall and screens, I invite a visitor to draw with me. We draw each others portrait in one line and without looking at the paper. Afterwards these drawings are added to the wall. The wall is covered with portraits of me and portraits of my visitors.

With this simple exercise, people are confronted with letting go of the end result, with letting go of perfection and of letting go of control. At the same time there is an intense observing of the other. There was joy when the results are revealed and it lead to shared laughs. It lead to surprise about how lively the portraits had become. It lead to conversations about the drawings, about creativity, about perfection and letting go, about what beauty is and about life in general. There was no clock, drawing took as long as it had to and there was limitless room for conversation and sharing.

Once the individual drawings are on the wall they become a part of the whole and together they form a new work to look at. In short, it lead to connection. The area is designed to put one at ease, with blues and greens in the screens, a simple wooden table and chairs. Kindness reigns here. In this save haven one can relax and let go of perfection and come to surprising results.
Every day of the Finals, the wall was filled.


  • Sietske Schoute (1968) has always loved to draw and observe. After a university education and being a stay-at-home mom, she began her journey at ArtEZ in 2019 to become an artist educator. She believes that art is deeply connected to everyday life, focusing on creating and paying attention to the world around us. Inspired by Ubuntu and Taoism, Sietske explores how to live in connection with life, the earth, and others, aiming to let go of the need for control and rampant individuality. She is fascinated by the "inbetweeness" that exists in wholes and hopes her work will connect people to their creativity and surroundings. One of her goals is to teach others to draw, or learn to see, and to work with those who cannot participate in the current school system.